David Park Barnitz Dead

Obituary on Barnitz from the endpapers of the annotated copy of the BOJ at the Beinecke Yale library, with the additional information that Barnitz was a student of behaviorists William James. Joseph Payne Brennan mentions this information in his Fresco article on Barnitz. —GDC

We were shocked to-day to learn of the death of David Park Barnitz, son of Rev. S. B. Barnitz, D. D., our beloved Western Secretary of Home Missions. Last Thursday while Dr. and Mrs. Barnitz were In attendance upon the Iowa Synod and the Woman's Home and Foreign Missionary Convention, the young man was called to his Heavenly Father In a moment. He was 23 years old, a graduate of Midland and of Harvard. He was a noble hearted man, and a student so intense In his application that Professor James of Harvard, pronounced him brilliant

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